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Monday, October 28, 2013

Plastic Shoreline wins Under The Sea Film Festival

Ninna's Great film from the 2011 Cleanup has won the Jury Prize and Crowd Favourite Prize at the 2013 Under the Sea Film Festival at Avoca Beach.  Its a just reward for the many hours of hard work Ninna and the crew at the Bookend Trust. The cleanup dates for the 2014 edition have been finalized for the 4th to the 11th of April.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Albert's Blog 22-3-2013

Today concludes 1 week on the seas of west coast Tasmania cleaning the
beaches and and surfing the breaks. For todays clean up we traveled from
Mutton Bird Island (where we sat for the night) down south towards New
Harbor for the morning. On the beach there wasn't too much rubbish as to
last year. Over one hundred cans, pieces of rope and a couple of
interesting things like a pair of socks and a frying pan. it was a very
clean and very quick beach with only 447 pieces counted. Not long after
we were on board the boat and set off around the coast for Recherche
Bay, where we're staying for the night. When we anchored inside the bay
i was itching for a wakeboard in the 18 degrees and glassy water, it was
amazing. Tonight is turning into a brilliant last night with Masaaki's
cooking skills, a barbie filled with meat and flat calm waters!

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Friday, March 22, 2013

New Habour to Recherche Bay

This morning at 4am the weather changed dramatically and at 6am Velocity dragged anchor forcing us to depart Mutton Bird Island heading south and for home.  Most crew slept through this and were greeted with another new breakfast location, New Harbour.  Internally this is known as Beercan Bay due to the high levels of aluminium cans that have been found here in the past and whilst the legend continued the count was down, 145 cans out of a total of 447 items.  The end has been called and we can proudly say we amassed 35777 pieces of rubbish making this again the largest haul ever, constant improvement of technique, equipment and detection contribute to this increase however the rubbish just keeps piling up.  It is good to see the impact we have made and know that we are making a difference in the real world.  The challenge is to find the sources, educate and assist in minimising the side effects of us living on this planet.  We are now anchored in Recherche Bay for our final night and can relax after a long hard week battling the elements and the rubbish.  The back deck of the Diamantina III is stacked high with our efforts and it is hard to believe looking at it that we have achieved what we have, who would think that such a remote place would accumulate so much trash, truck tyres, ropes, bouys and plastic plastic plastic.  Thanks to our generous sponsors and enthusiastic dedicated volunteers we hope to continue this mission into the future making the difference where we can and giving back to the land we live on.  Tomorrow brings the steam home and unloading the rubbish, it's going to be a satisfying end to a productive week. Rubbishaholics

day 6 Love from the bushpigs

Day six saw the dawn crew promising another sunny day of beach cleaning
but it didn't go totally to script weather wise: instead it was another
epic day that makes the clean-up such a privilege to be on. Squalls,
rainbows, waves, the awesome local crew and some serious rubbish
collection. It felt like a record haul at the evening count on the boats
with the double up count from Stephens Beach rubbish only able to be
collected from the beach today, but picked up 3 days prior. Such is how
the weather directs where we clean when along the coast. For the 2 QLD
crew, it's been an honour to be among this committed crew, in the icy
waves and on the beaches,

Albert's Blog 21-3-2013 - Noyhener Beach

Day 6: The day began after a steam back down south to Stephens Bay that
took us all night, to go pick up the rubbish bags that we left on the
end of the beach, we got there at 7am, got the rubbish and headed south
again for Noyhener beach. We got in the bay at 8am, had breakfast and
got in the water for a good surf while the swell was rolling in. We were
in the water for a couple of hours. After getting dry and ready we ran
into the beach in the dinghy. As soon as the hit the beach we could
already see that it was covered in rubbish and that we were all in for a
big day. Once we collected as much as we could for the day we zipped it
all out to the boats and had a very mellow arvo. But not long after we
would have to all meet up on the Diamantina III to count a massive
amount of rubbish we got. Nobody was very keen for it since moast of us
had gone surfing and had a massive day onshore but it had to be done so
we hooked into it while Masaaki cooked us a very large amount of sushi
and sashimi. When we'd finished we were inhaling sushi by the dozen. For
Stephen Bay we got 3902 pieces and on Noyhener we got a massive 10871!
and now 8000 over the record of last year at around 35000 already! A
very good effort from the team.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wednesday the 20th Mulcahy Bay, Nye Bay, Stephens Bay.

0700 Day begins with slight SE'erly breezes and smaller swells. A
stunning morning ensues as the sun rises high above the De Witt Ranges.
It is magical morning with clear skies and the promise of
another epic day ahead.

A Shy Albatross and a Black Browed Albatross accompany us on our way.

Once anchored at the south end of Nye Bay, we all get dropped at the
mouth of the Giblin river to begin our beach combing efforts. There's
not a soul in sight or any evidence that anyone has ever been here apart
from the the paw prints of the marsupials in the sand and the clean up

Plastics, rope, moorings, bottles and cans have found their way onto the
shores however, so there is plenty of work to do.

After a bite to eat on board a second collection took place on the rocky
shoreline at the North end of the beach. An excellent haul was made
here as well.

Among other things, a full tube of silicone sealant was retrieved and
lots of small plastics.

We departed Nye Bay for Stephens Bay after packing up at 1900.

Another great day enjoyed by all.

Albert's Blog 20-3-2013

day 6: Today I started the day waking up a little late and missed out on
what sounded like a great breakfast. Once I'd woken up a bit more we set
out to clean up Nye Bay and the Giblin River. We got our gear ready and
zipped into the beach on the rubber ducky, it took a while to take in
such an amazing place but once we got started it seemed like we couldn't
stop. i went for a stroll/wade down the Giblin and found a few big
pieces of rubbish such as an unused silicone tube, fluorescent light and
a fuel container. After that beach we took the rubbish back to the boats
and hopped into our wetties to check out the beach breaks, we found a
consistent right hander and with an off shore wind the surf was great.
After a good 2 hours i paddled back to the boat to grab a snag or two
for lunch while the others surfed a different break called north point.
At the end of the day most of the crew went ashore again to pick up
rubbish while me and a few others took the ducky over to Diamantina III
to count up the first beach. We got 2874 on the first beach and ____
on the second. Over all it was a great day with 26 degrees, turquoise
seas and orange, blue and white skies.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Albert & Zac's Blog 19-3-2013

Day 5: The day began with a steam north to The Mulchay Bay. We dropped
anchor at the north side of the bay and decided to go for a surf. it was
5 foot, off shore and pumping. After a great surf we join the beach
party to do our bit for the environment. While we cleaned up Mulchay
beach the sky turned blue, after a few days of cloud and rain it was
nice to get a bit of sun. After a quick bite for lunch we set off south
for Wreck Bay, we all went in to the beach through very tricky landing
conditions (more pumping swell). The 20 of us on the beach cleaned up
all the unwanted rubbish in a matter of 3 hours. At the end of the day
we all met up on the Diamattina III for a well deserved dinner. World
renowned sushi chef Masaaki cooked up a mean storm in the kitchen, with
all the delights of the ocean,you cant go hungry. The count of the
rubbish was done while the food was cooking, a tally of 3520 peices of
rubbish on Mulchay and 5453 pieces on Wreck Bay, making it a total of
8973 pieces of marine rubbish for the day. At 11:55 it's time to retire

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Albert's blog 18-3-2013

Day 4: Today was a very eventful day. I woke up at round 9:30am after a
nice sleep. not long after, we got into our wet weathers and set off
through the bush along the 40 minute walk from Spain Bay to Stephens Bay
with our wet suits and boards hoping for a surf. As we caught sight of
the bay we could see that it was a bit sloppy but surfable. Before we
could get into the water we had to clean up the 5km long beach on the
way we found a fair amount of rubbish but not even close to last years
amount. Amongst the rubbish I found a few immunity items! with 2 and a
half plastic army men and a lego cap I got very lucky but then I found a
fist sized piece of ambagriss (whale vomit) which is very valuable in
France so i might have made my self $800!. On the walk back on the beach
I saw a plastic crate that could be used as a sought of sled for my
rubbish, so i tied my rope on to one end put all my gear in the sled and
set off for a very tiring 4k's with the sled behind me. at the end of
the beach we left the rubbish in a pile to pick up on the way back. at
the end of a big day we were having tuna sashimi and a very well earned

Day 3 Spain Bay/Stephans beach

Activities of the day: fishing,paddling, surfing, eating masaki's sushi
feast... ah yes, and picking up rubbish.
Today's destination was Stephans Bay. The weather picked up, only
producing a few showers, and the crew were stoked to find the beach a
lot cleaner than last year. We found one buoy, much less plastic
bottles, glass and fishing gear. Still a fair amount of small plastics
and bits of rope, but all in all MUCH IMPROVED. Those new to the bay
were astounded at the size of the aboriginal middens at the southern
end, which are indeed a sight to behold. Huge midden-dunes the extend a
couple of hundred meters back from the beach.
A few of the party bailed before it had even started to reel in a fresh
tuna from the 3m swell. The experience left an unlucky fish on the deck
and four crew feeling a bit queasy. They joined the rubbish crew towards
the end of the collection and handed over over the fun - they then got
in a surf while the bags were collated and left above high tide to wait
for pick up when the weather permits.

Monday, March 18, 2013

More fun in Port Davey

What does a high heel shoe sole, a silver buoy, snorkel and mask, Joint
Strike Force cap badge and whales tooth have in common. They were all
found at Hannants Inlet today when 30 legs walked the beaches and a
couple of boats buzzed us criss crossing the inlet to the beaches.

Only the tooth should have been there.

We woke up at Horseshoe Inlet to a day of overcast skies and rounds of
breakfast muffins, steamed to Hannants and anchored up to fan out for
the day.

The day remained overcast until carved up by pockets of blue sky and
scuds blowing in from the west. Everyone got wet, Alby went through two
pairs of shoes we were all surprised by the amount of rubbish.

It felt as though much of it had been there years and Matt confirmed the
Clean Up had not been there for at least 4. Bait bins, buckets, bottles,
all the usual assorted plastics and of course rope. Rope wrapped tightly
in muddy, stinky bundles around tea tree branches collapsed in the mud.
And a Derwent Valley Council recycle bin.

All up 6576 individual items collected. Sorting took longer than it
should have… the women doing all the work while the blokes look over the

Everyone itching for some big wide open beaches to walk along and truly
stretch the legs while looking for whatever junk a high-velocity West
Coast beach can throw up.

The day has wrapped with a great abalone feast with Masaaki doing
ceviche while the Diamentina did the 3 veg and a fabbo bbq.

Tomorrow looking like more time in Davey with a walk over to Stephens
for those who need that walk and a first surf for the trip..

Sunday, March 17, 2013

First rubbish found deep inside Port Davey

Day 2: Balmoral Cove and surrounding coastal areas, Port Davey
Most sterling piece of rubbish collected: One army issue khaki green
Pieces of rubbish collected: 1188

After a slightly bumpy night steam around South West Cape, the cleanup
crew arrived at Spain Bay, Port Davey in the early hours of this morning
aboard cleanup veteran vessels the Velocity and Breaksea and cleanup
newcomer The Diamantina III.
As the winds picked up, we cruised around to Balmoral Cove, Port Davey.
Almost everyone was champing at the bit to clean the outrageously
beautiful coastline of Balmoral Cove, but the sands were surprisingly
clean and the morning's garbage haul was minimal. An 800+ piece haul of
rope, plastic and bait straps in the late arvo from a hidden cove
brought today's total to almost 1200 items, but the team is frothing for
a big day tomorrow.
Sushi master extraordinaire Masaaki scooped the prize for most
interesting piece of trash with a mud encrusted army issue water bottle.

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Safe and sound in Port Davey

Day 2:today we arrived at Spain bay in Port Davey after travelling all
night. Mid morning we set off too Balmoral cove and the surrounding
coastal areas to pick up rubbish. We collected 1188 pieces of rubbish
including plastic bottles, small plastics, bait savers, bait straps and
plastic bag pieces. On the clean up we have a thing called immunity, how
it works is if you find an extraordinary piece of rubbish off the beach,
the crew has a vote for the person who found the best item and if your
lucky you don't have to count rubbish in the afternoon. today Masaaki
got immunity with his army issue drink bottle!

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Albert's Blog

day 1: today we all introduced ourselves, got on board the Velocity packed our gear and set off for Port Davey along the south west coast. Motoring off at 11p.m we plan to get there by 7a.m. the crew for the trip is me Albert Wyatt, my dad Dave Wyatt, Matt Dell, Masaaki Koyama, Zac, Lou Chasemore and Vica Bayley. all six of us are very keen to get around there, get cleaning and have a great week!

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Underway under cloudy sky's and light winds

All thee boats are currently heading south down past Recherche Bay with a moderate swell and light winds.  Providing the winds stay light we should be in Port Davey by first light. Its been a long day spent collecting the supplies and loading the boats to ensure we have a chance of beating the expected southerly change midday tomorrow.The crew are looking forward to settling into Port Davey and searching out some new rubbish haunts. We should have two days to explore the vast protected coastline.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Let the provisioning begin

Well the supplies have started rolling in.  Yves from Miellerie Honey dropped of some very tasty looking Lake Pedder Nectar and about an hour later the express courier van dropped off two boxes of goodies from Patagonia (legend effort Case).
With the weather the way it is looking we will try and sneak around the south coast of Tassie either late Friday Night or very very early Saturday morning so tomorrow is going to be hectic. We have to distribute all the fresh and dry stores from Hill Street then race out to the Wursthaus, pack everything and get down to the boats ASAP. Stay tuned

2013 Marine Debris Press Release

MEDIA RELEASE – 14th March 2013

 Say goodbye to Bait straps 

Marine Debris Cleanup of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, south west coast Tasmania

This Saturday, weather permitting, three boat loads of excited and adventurous volunteers will board a flotilla of commercial fishing boats and return to the pristine coasts of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. The mission is a simple one, remove and document every visible item of rubbish on every beach we visit.
The cleanup has been running since 1999 and is the longest remote area baseline marine debris survey in the Southern Hemisphere. Since it began 15 years ago, many thousands of hours have been spent beachcombing some of the most wild and isolated beaches in Australia. To date around 117,000 individual items of rubbish have been collected and itemised. In total, the team have collected over 39000 pieces of broken plastic, 36000 pieces of rope,10000 bait box straps, 6000 plastic containers, 5400 bottle caps, 3200 beer cans, 1400 pieces of trawl net and 5 Ugg boots.
All rubbish collected is sorted into various recyclables with the remainder sent to landfill. The collected data* provides information regarding changes in rubbish types and amounts, and when combined with oceanic circulation models it helps determine where the rubbish is coming from.
This year we have forged a new partnership with the Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council in a bid to remove bait related packaging from the fishing bait production cycle. As in South Australia, we are aiming to remove bait straps as a form of packaging. We have collected over 10000 of these since 1999.  Bait straps pose a threat to wildlife and litter nearly every beach we visit.
Grade 8 Hutchins High School student Albert Wyatt will be posting a daily blog to the adventure learning Expedition class website. Our blog will also be updated daily.

Please follow our lead, anyone can help by simply putting rubbish in the closest rubbish bin or by picking up rubbish they see lying on the ground which frequently washes or blows out to sea.

The outdoor clothing company Patagonia, Pennicott Wilderness Journeys, The Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council and AWM Electrical are financial sponsors providing generous financial support for fuel, boat charter, food and kitting out the team with appropriate clothing. Gillespie's Ginger Beer, The Wursthaus, The Wursthaus Kitchen, Moo Brew, Hill Street Grocer and Miellerie Honey, are in-kind sponsors helping to keep the crew provisioned for the week-long trip.
The most essential contribution is from the commercial fishermen who take us around the coast. Thanks to Dave Wyatt of Southern Ocean Adventures,Mark Webster of Ralphs Tasmanian Seafoods and Fisherman Darren Clark. Normal charter costs for this one week’s boat hire would be close to $60000.
Please follow us on the Daily Blog at: http://wha-marinedebris.blogspot.com/

Further Enquiries:

Matt Dell
Email: mattdell@tpg.com.au
Mobile: 0419 922 887
Satellite phone: 0404 056 143 from Monday 23rd of March 2013
* Statistics, videos and photos available on the blog

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Raffle Night

After a bit of frantic last minute ticket selling the crew filled the box full of the 1000 tickets that were sold and gave it a few hours of very thorough mixing while we enjoyed the fine music at Mobius. Finally SP found a spare 5 minutes and the Raffle was drawn about 12:30 am Sunday Morning.  SP will be in contact with all the winners.  Many thanks to all those who donated prizes and bought tickets and special thanks to the team for a great job in selling the full 1000 tickets in a month.

1st Prize
Pennicott Wilderness Journeys 3 Hour Eco Cruise for 2 guests – Pat Trinder         

2nd Prize
MONA $200 Gift Voucher - Stormon Norman

Prize 3
Ethos Dinner for 2 – N. Campbell

Prize - AWM Electrical $100 Gift Voucher – Simone Castle

Prize - The Italian Pantry $100 Gift Voucher – Lou Proud

Prize - Billie Jo Fashion $100 Gift Voucher – Chris Noble

Prize - MONA Long Weekend Gig 2 double passes – Tania Glover

Prize - Polkadot Liquor Party Pack – Benjamin Jackson

Prize - Laminated A3 World Map Poster – Laura Pigneri

Prize - Mates Rates Wine – Peter Wilson

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cleanup Raffle

A big thanks to SP for organising this raffle which will contribute to the fuel costs for the cleanup. Major prizes include a trip for two with Pennicott Wilderness Journeys, a Mona gift voucher and meal at Ethos, Along with Concert tickets, Party Packs and gift vouchers. A big thanks to the sponsors for donating the prizes.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cleanup 2013

The 2013 Cleanup will be departing on the 16 March. We are happy to welcome Ralphs Tasmanian Seafood on Board. Ralph will donating the use of his boat the Diamantina III for the trip. The Diamantina III will join the Velocity and the Breaksea on the Cleanup provide the transport and accomodation for the biggest group of volunteers we have ever taken around the coast.