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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Albert's Blog 22-3-2013

Today concludes 1 week on the seas of west coast Tasmania cleaning the
beaches and and surfing the breaks. For todays clean up we traveled from
Mutton Bird Island (where we sat for the night) down south towards New
Harbor for the morning. On the beach there wasn't too much rubbish as to
last year. Over one hundred cans, pieces of rope and a couple of
interesting things like a pair of socks and a frying pan. it was a very
clean and very quick beach with only 447 pieces counted. Not long after
we were on board the boat and set off around the coast for Recherche
Bay, where we're staying for the night. When we anchored inside the bay
i was itching for a wakeboard in the 18 degrees and glassy water, it was
amazing. Tonight is turning into a brilliant last night with Masaaki's
cooking skills, a barbie filled with meat and flat calm waters!

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt
    is there anyone that we can contact to voulenteer for next years clean up ?>

    mark bish
