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Sunday, March 17, 2013

First rubbish found deep inside Port Davey

Day 2: Balmoral Cove and surrounding coastal areas, Port Davey
Most sterling piece of rubbish collected: One army issue khaki green
Pieces of rubbish collected: 1188

After a slightly bumpy night steam around South West Cape, the cleanup
crew arrived at Spain Bay, Port Davey in the early hours of this morning
aboard cleanup veteran vessels the Velocity and Breaksea and cleanup
newcomer The Diamantina III.
As the winds picked up, we cruised around to Balmoral Cove, Port Davey.
Almost everyone was champing at the bit to clean the outrageously
beautiful coastline of Balmoral Cove, but the sands were surprisingly
clean and the morning's garbage haul was minimal. An 800+ piece haul of
rope, plastic and bait straps in the late arvo from a hidden cove
brought today's total to almost 1200 items, but the team is frothing for
a big day tomorrow.
Sushi master extraordinaire Masaaki scooped the prize for most
interesting piece of trash with a mud encrusted army issue water bottle.

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