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Resources & Links

South West Marine Debris Monitoring Forms

These forms have been developed over the years so that they are very easy to fill out with the most common items at the top of the different material categories.  Why not download the forms and see what you can find on your local beach, Its likely to be a bit different to what we find, I suspect you would find a lot more domestic rubbish such as plastic bottles and food wrappers and way more cigarette butts.

Click the below thumbnail images to view or print

Click Here to complete an Expression of Interest Form if you would like to join us on the cleanup

Expedition Class

Expedition class provides adventure and science based curriculum's for primary and high school students.  We have been working with both the Bookend Trust and Expedition Class to develop an interactive marine debris course that is updated daily through the course of the yearly expeditions.

Tangaroa Blue - Ocean Care

Tangaroa Blue is a non-profit  founded in 2004 with the goals of:
  1. creating awareness in the community of marine environmental and conservation issues through marine environmental science projects; and
  2. proactively participating in and organising marine conservation projects which address marine conservation issues.
Their website is a great place to find resources and links to other Marine debris projects around australia and the world.

For many years the Surfrider Foundation have supported the cleanup efforts in SW Tasmania.  They continue in partnership with Tangaroa Blue to conduct a number of Marine Debris Cleanups around Tasmania

The NOAA website provies links to a number of high profile Marine Debris issues including the Pacific Rubbish Gyre.