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Monday, March 18, 2013

More fun in Port Davey

What does a high heel shoe sole, a silver buoy, snorkel and mask, Joint
Strike Force cap badge and whales tooth have in common. They were all
found at Hannants Inlet today when 30 legs walked the beaches and a
couple of boats buzzed us criss crossing the inlet to the beaches.

Only the tooth should have been there.

We woke up at Horseshoe Inlet to a day of overcast skies and rounds of
breakfast muffins, steamed to Hannants and anchored up to fan out for
the day.

The day remained overcast until carved up by pockets of blue sky and
scuds blowing in from the west. Everyone got wet, Alby went through two
pairs of shoes we were all surprised by the amount of rubbish.

It felt as though much of it had been there years and Matt confirmed the
Clean Up had not been there for at least 4. Bait bins, buckets, bottles,
all the usual assorted plastics and of course rope. Rope wrapped tightly
in muddy, stinky bundles around tea tree branches collapsed in the mud.
And a Derwent Valley Council recycle bin.

All up 6576 individual items collected. Sorting took longer than it
should have… the women doing all the work while the blokes look over the

Everyone itching for some big wide open beaches to walk along and truly
stretch the legs while looking for whatever junk a high-velocity West
Coast beach can throw up.

The day has wrapped with a great abalone feast with Masaaki doing
ceviche while the Diamentina did the 3 veg and a fabbo bbq.

Tomorrow looking like more time in Davey with a walk over to Stephens
for those who need that walk and a first surf for the trip..

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