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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Revenge of the nurdles ~ expedition day 5

Created in factories far far away and transported en masse upon the high seas the nurdles began their relentless quest for world domination...

Arrriving separately, each nurdle took its own private adventure through the high seas to be washed up upon the sheltered shores of Mulcahy Bay.

Together they gathered in a loose multicolour assemblage.... waiting... and waiting for the time when they would be melted and poured into moulds to become an item of greater importance... maybe a drink bottle, maybe a rope, maybe something heaps better than all of those things....

As the days passed, no melting or moulding occurred, the nurdles became restless, and began self-organising their ranks on the beach transforming into a toxic army of unseen scale and ferocity ready to unleash their fury upon humanity...

That was until... Team Clean arrived in force with finger pickers poised to rid the Mulcahy of the evil nurdle scourge. A hard-fought battle ensued with drizzly conditions obscuring much of the smaller plastics, yet the eager nurdles were stopped in their tracks and quickly sealed into ziplock bags.

A modest 5,295 items was plucked from the beach of which nurdles comprised 283 tiny evil particles.

*Nurdles are pelletised plastic (around 5mm in diameter and 3-4mm thick) that are processed by industrial machines to produce everyday plastic items. They come in every colour of the rainbow and through scientific compositional analysis can be traced back to their factory of origin.

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