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Monday, April 30, 2012

Waves Waves Waves

Date: 29/4/2012
Location: Cockle Creek to Southport
Rubbish of the Day: Barrels
Species of the Day: Surfus-Maximus

The wind continued to howl for the farewell day of the Cleanup expedition. New friendships formed, and refreshed perspectives ignited. There is something very special about the South West Cleanup that each of us will take home.

The people left on the Chieftan G were entertained with a ‘relaxing’ day of fishing, while the ‘surf-troops’ upon the Velocity were skippered by ‘Dave the Wave’ for some waves to cherish. With the 5-8 Metre swell forecast well and truly here, it was a mild case of nerves as we rounded the point at Cockle Creek to see what was on offer further up the point.

With the big Cleanup in it’s final stages, it was a chance for the surfers on the trip to use the ocean as a means of remembrance. The huge waves were riddled with ruggedness, so we trooped towards Southport for some cleaner waves and a better chance to enjoy mateship rather than bravado.

All in all, the South West Marine Debris Cleanup is that once in a lifetime experience. There was big seas and sea-sickness matched with rainbows and calm sunsets. It’s the Tassie you see in your dreams, and for the 15 volunteers in the Cleanup Fleet an amazing finale and closing chapter that will stay in the memory vault.

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