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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Both sides of the Giblin

Location: Grassys & The Giblin
Rubbish of the Day: Brazilian Water Bottle
Species of the Day: Hooded Plover

The crews were up early for a 5:30 start after a very rolly night and were greeted to a spectacular sunrise and lightning show. The mamatus clouds were incredible and very foreboding and the cumulus stacks towered above the horizon. The boats headed on a three hour steam north for the Giblin. The Cheiftan G threw the pots while the Breaksea crew started a long slog gathering and hauling rubbish around the rocks south from the River. Most of the Velocity crew hit the water for a morning surf at Grassys. After a belated bacon bakeup is was back to the dirty beach for everyone for flotsam madness. The team then scoured the beach from end to end under sunny skies and we ended up with about 3 cubic metres of assorted treasures including a massive piece of blue rope. The count ended at 11.30. Everyone will sleep well tonight.
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1 comment:

  1. Grassy's.... you lucky buggers... Swell for Sunday is looking pretty darn good. Good winds for the arvo too. I can get there midday(ish) if you still want the boards. I can offer the 7'10" Banksy, 7'6" Al byrne and that old 7'4" Nev of yours Matty (which probably has more paddle than the 7'6" AB). Lemme know if you need 'em - I may even surf myself if it is glassy...
