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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Departure Day

It was action stations from 8am this morning with the food pickup for all 5 boats from our good friends at the West Hobart Hill Street, then straight down to the Wursthaus to collect the smallgoods.

Sam from Gillespies dropped of the medicinal ginger beer supplies and the crew loaded their gear. It was back-to-back media from 10 til 11.30 with both WIN and Southern Cross filming for the nightly news and the Mercury doing an article for tomorrow's paper.

The Wilsons Voyager departed at 11 with the Rumours and Diamantina III leaving at midday for a leisurely cruise down the Recherche. The Velocity was the last of the boats to raft up in Recherche at about 6.

Jay Bushby and Harbs have pulled out the guitars and are rocking under a bright moon as the crew get to know each other before we depart for the spectacular South Coast before daybreak tomorrow morning.

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