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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Recherche Bay - Hobart

Wow! What a week of beach combing on the wild beaches.  We experienced all that the rugged South West of Tasmania has to offer. Wild winds, waves, sunshine and rain and a cracking aurora to finish off on the last night.

79084 items of Marine Debris was collected in all, each one picked up off the beach, documented and then repatriated back to 'civilization'. A big thanks to al the Sponsors and boat skippers without which this cleanup could not continue, and to the group of dedicated volunteers who spent many painstaking hours bending down on the beaches picking up the rubbish and then several hours bending down again each evening counting the days collection on a rocking and rolling boat.

The hard work we have put in over the last 15 years seems to be paying off with noticeably less large rubbish on the beaches that we regularly survey.

PLEASE, if you see rubbish on the street, field, beach, stream or path, pick it up and put it in the appropriate bin. Otherwise there is a good chance it will blow or wash into the ocean and it too will float around the globe before polluting a shoreline or maiming wildlife.


  1. I am interested in volunteering for next years clean up...I am in Queensland ...michaelkcowan@gmail.com

  2. Good work Matty and Crew! Best trip ever!? Hopefully there is space for me next year too! Great to see you getting the national attention you deserve! hopefully the big plastic produces will soon start to take notice too....
