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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Departure day for the Velocity

After a hectic week of preparations it was time to provision the boats. The morning saw the delivery of the Gillespies Ginger Beer from Sam which, after a few years of rigorous testing, has proven to fight off the effects of sea sickness. Then a quick dash out to the Wursthaus Factory in Cambridge to collect the gourmet meats and a load of ice. Southern Cross and Win news kindly came down to the docks to do stories for the evening news as we loaded supplies into the cool boxes.  Dave did a last minute oil change and fueled up the boat.  Harbs and I collected the fresh food supplies from Marco at the Augusta Road Hill Street store and dropped the supplies for the Diamantina III out at Prince of Wales Bay.

We finally departed Hobart at 9.30 PM and are heading south where a 5 to 8 metre SW swell and light wind awaits us when we round Whale Head sometime early tomorrow morning. The Diamantina will depart from Prince of Wales Bay tomorrow at midday and the Breaksea will be leaving Dover Saturday afternoon.

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