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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday 20th

The day dawned at Louisa Bay. A couple of veterans got up to check the sky. Someone said we should get to Surprise Bay. After a couple of hot egg and bacon muffins the skipper shouted "anchor man, get up and do your job". So we weighed anchor towards South Cape. Surprise Bay unfortunatley held no surprises. The surf was not on. So we steamed around the South Cape towards the Rivulet. We anchored in the middle of the bay. A few of us thought we would jump in the icy water for a wash and surf. The surf was still not on, the rip was horrendous and the waves were 3-4 foot puss. A couple of the stalwarts stayed on the boat admiring the scenery. Dave 'the wave' Wyatt, came back in a flash and said "let's get on the road" Recherche Bay needs us. We steamed past Lion Rock, but the lion was roaring far too big and angry, so we steamed around South East Cape and into Recherche Bay. Three shore parties went into clean Lookout Point, with minimal marine debris found. So we started on the sip, and then a barbie started to roar, and the girls strapped up some delicious tucker, while Steve seared the sirlions. The night presses on, the boys are playing instruments on the Velocity, farewelling the evening and celebrating the last night of the cleanup.

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